Getting Started in Development
January 20, 2020There are a lot of misconceptions on how and where to start in web development. I'll share with you some helpful information on how to get started from a few different angles.
There are a lot of misconceptions on how and where to start in web development. I'll share with you some helpful information on how to get started from a few different angles.
I've gotten some great advice from many of my mentors about setting goals for what you want to achieve. Lets discuss goal setting and how it can help all of us become succussful.
We know that setting goals is important, lets deconstruct how to pragmatically go from identifying and setting goals, to making them a reality.
As people who are developers or aspiring to be a developer, we often exersize our brains to the neglect of the body. I believe that in order to truly live an abundant life we need to take care of our health.
With a literal sea of options to choose from, which ones should be used? What is their purpose and in what order should they be used? We'll answer these questions and more in the following article.
Whether your a beginner or someone with a few years of experience in the industry as a developer, in this article; we're going to discuss why you shouldn't neglect your ABC's.